Color Picker

Color Picker feature allows you to pick colors from any element on a website, down to the pixel level, even from images, videos, moving elements, and everything else, in Hex, RGB, or HSL color format. Furthermore, you also have the option to copy individual colors or create an entire color palette. These color values can be copied to your clipboard or exported for future use.

Color Picker

Use Cases

  • Design Inspiration: Pick colors from inspiring websites for your projects.
  • UI Consistency Check: Ensure consistent color usage across the website.
  • Design Documentation: Record color values for style guides or design systems.
  • Color Scheme Creation: Build color palettes based on existing websites.
  • Color Trend Analysis: Study color usage trends across different websites.
  • Competitive Analysis: Compare color usage across competitor websites.
  • Content Creation: Pick colors for digital content, presentations, and more.