List All Fonts

List All Fonts feature provides comprehensive font details of any website. It identifies all fonts, their sizes, weights, associated HTML tags, and how they look. It also enables one-click Google searches for each font and allows you to copy or export all font data. This feature streamlines font analysis, making it easy to audit, troubleshoot, or document typography across web projects.

List All Fonts

Use Cases

  • Font Analysis: Identify all fonts used on a website for consistency checks.
  • Design Inspiration: Study font choices of successful websites for inspiration.
  • Brand Guideline Audit: Ensure all fonts align with established brand standards.
  • Accessibility Review: Check if font sizes/weights meet readability standards.
  • Font Pairing Study: Learn effective font pairings by analyzing live websites.
  • Design Documentation: Quickly create typography doc for design systems.
  • Competitive Analysis: Compare font usage across competitor websites.