CSS Inspector

CSS Inspector feature enables real-time in-browser CSS editing with a VSCode-based editor, offering autocomplete, formatting, find-and-replace, error highlighting, color previews, and code folding. It allows instant inspection and modification of any element's CSS properties.

It also includes a unique selector generator that helps create precise CSS selectors for targeted styling. Changes can be saved to extension storage, copied to clipboard, or exported for other projects.

CSS Inspector

Use Cases

  • Debugging: Quickly identify and fix CSS issues on live websites in real-time.
  • Design Tweaks: Make real-time CSS adjustments without editing source code.
  • Precise Element Targeting: Generate unique CSS selectors for any element.
  • Learning: Experiment with CSS properties to see their effects on web elements.
  • Responsive Design: Edit styles to test element behavior at various screen sizes.
  • Performance Optimization: Identify and remove unused or redundant CSS.
  • Accessibility Improvements: Modify CSS to enhance readability or aesthetics.
  • Code Extraction: Copy or export CSS styles from your favorite websites.
  • Client Presentations: Showcase design changes during client meetings.
  • Competitive Analysis: Examine and learn from the CSS of successful websites.
  • Teaching Tool: Demonstrate CSS concepts visually to students or colleagues.
  • Theme Customization: Customize the look of existing sites and save changes.
  • Scraping Preparation: Create unique selectors for web scraping projects.
  • Automated Testing Setup: Generate unique selectors for use in UI tests.