Take Screenshot

Take Screenshot feature allows you to capture visible area, custom area, or full page screenshot of any website in PNG, JPEG, or PDF format. Note that saving in PDF may take some time, so please be patient.

Take Screenshot

Use Cases

  • Bug Reporting: Capture visual issues for developer review.
  • Design Documentation: Save website designs for reference or analysis.
  • Content Archiving: Preserve webpage content for future reference.
  • Client Presentations: Create visuals for mockups or proposals.
  • Competitive Analysis: Save competitors' designs for comparison.
  • Tutorial Creation: Generate step-by-step visual guides.
  • Portfolio Building: Showcase web design work in different formats.
  • QA Testing: Document various states of web applications.
  • Accessibility Audits: Capture website layouts for offline analysis.
  • Marketing Materials: Create visuals for case studies or reports.
  • Translation Verification: Capture localized versions of websites.